On the North-West Coast of Mallorca. We forage here for bits of earth, sediment, rock, ceramic and shell fragments. The site is predominantly held by clay, mudstone and silt with vegetation growing around and at the top. Our feet covered in clay as we forage. A distinct and archaic feeling to have muddy/clay covered feet. 

A day of new friends foraging transcended into the idea of combining clay and object/accessory making, to combine both Florence and Mons creative mediums, in the making of clay-fragmented shoes.

Shoes that are made of clay, of earth, that melt if you wear them on wet ground, that don’t serve the purpose of footwear. That don’t allow you to walk or move, but make you stand still and merge with the earth under you, ground. These objects that sit as pillars between foot and soil, a reconnect that bind both earth and being. Made of dirt and to be returned to dirt, along with their adornments. 

We want to speak to the deep desire within so many of us to root and dwell, to standstill and play again. Without the constant push yelled at us to be fast-paced, to be driven, to be intensely goal-oriented. We are saying, there is nothing to rush, to do, nothing to catch up with, no limits to push ourselves beyond. 

No rubber shoes to seperate us, just earth under foot, dirt between our toes.

To truly feel that we are one with all that is around us. How we as beings are not separate entities from this earth, the rocks, the flowers, the sand, the silt. We are free to flow, to play, to connect with nature.

Thank you @florencemermaid for this special project we did together and for friendship.